How do you tackle the editing process?

by Adrian Sroka
5th March 2013

I have cut my word count from 137,000 words to 94,000.

For me, the last part of the editing process is reducing the word count and tightening the dialogue. After I finish this thorough edit, I will do one more.

I have used a private literary editor, but it will then be time for my manuscript to be looked over by a professional literary service. I realis that ot all want-to-be novelists have the resources to pay for professioal help.

Included with manuscript will be pages listing the section headings and chapters, the blurb, cover design, synopsis, and covering letter.

I want to ensure my novel is ready to submit to agents/agencies.


It's funny, I have a back to front approach to this.

I had an outline for my current story that I used as a skeleton upon which to build the tale.

Each chapter is written almost as a complete story in its own right and as I write I naturally tend to keep things very tight and concise.

So when I come to edit, I focus more on the flow of the story between chapters and the character development.

Once I am satisfied with this, I go back and look at where any descriptive narrative is required - in other words, I start to actually "pad out" the story.

My current first draft came in at a mere 40,000 words!

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It will be interesting to see if the "keyboard generation" prove to be more adept at editing on screen than the old pen and paper scratchers.

I have a strong suspicion that the hard drives have a conspiracy going with the printers...


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I do just the same as AJ. it works for me.

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