How Long?

by Carmelita Dentlinger
30th September 2014

Hi Everyone. I've been writing a novel for the past few years. How long did it take you to finish a novel and when do you give up? How many times have you rewritten?


I agree with Micheal, only write if you enjoy it and you are passionate about your story and characters.

My characters have been in my head for 3 years now, they're part of me. I couldn't abandon them even if I wanted too, they are like real people to me.

Only you will know when your work is finished. Be honest with yourself and keep going to the end. Your first draft maybe a mess but it will your mess. Like Lorraine rightly says. "Rewriting and editing are at least 80% of the process." I've been told by published authors that the secret to writing is rewriting.

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My first full length piece of work, which was about ten years ago, submitted and rejected (and admittedly substandard!) took a good few months. I think the "depth" of the book has a factor in the length of time taken. I imagine, although I'm not sure, that Donna Tartt's books take AGES to finish. But I expect that manuscripts with less detail and less investigative matters etc, don't take as long. Stephen King recommends writing your first draft and then putting it away in a drawer for six months, after which time he believes it is easier to read it with "new" eyes, more objectively if you like, and to start the rewrite.

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May I ask; how much of your novel is complete?

I don't think there is an answer to this question. You write until it is finished.

If you are considering not finishing/quitting then perhaps you do not feel engaged by the story/characters as you should be.

I strongly believe you should only write because you enjoy writing.

Regarding the question of when is it finished? I think only the writer can be truly sure of this. It is a story from your imagination so only you can know when you have done that story justice.

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