how many books can can you write?

by Kimberley Stevens
24th June 2013

Hi, I'm wondering how many novel ideas that you have, and of how many of those ideas your actually going to write.

I have five novels ideas, three of which I've started to write, and the other two which are still in the planning stage. I don't know if I should just focus on one or two of the stories, or switch and change between all of them to keep the creative mojo working...?

Thanks all :)



I must admit I a rather dubious when folk say they are writing multiple books at a time...I have seen earnest claims of 10 or more. But then I feel the same when peeps read several books at the same time ;)

I have made a start of the second book in my series, but have left the consequetive writing for now to concentrate of tighting my plot. The series will span 4(ish) books. I know the stepping stone plot point for the big progression & the chara arcs of my main charas....but the subplots and wholeness of each individual book needs working on. This means when I take to plotting I am often sketching out scenes that will span across all further books, as each thread is progressed. This needs to be done so the reader is comforted by a steady drip feed, no out-of-the-blue events (unless that is needed, but even so clues need to be laid). I know all the whats but need to ground the hows in the narrative...I'm also fond of foreshadowing.

So whilst I only write one book at a time, I am constantly in a state of revision/plotting of the whole series. And occasionally taking notes for separate story ideas (which can be picked up again later if I need a break from my main body of work IE writers block)

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I have the beginnings, middles and end to four consecutive novels in a series for young adults, but I have ideas for more.

I also have ideas for two children's novels.

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I do hate it when you get multiple ideas that are all really good but don't work together, causing my version of writers block

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