How many words do you aim to write in a day?

by Adrian Sroka
5th March 2017

How many words do you aim to write in a day?

Graham Greene advocates 300 words a day, which doesn’t seem many at first glance.

Yet 300 words a day is 2100 words a week – 109,200 words a year. Enough words for a novel and a good start to a second.

My target is 500 words a day.


I don't aim. I just write when I have free times.

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I don't aim either, but I keep a wordcount summary which gives me a good indication over a week and better still month. Therefore don't get uptight about missing target but can see that it is fairly even over time. Last month for instance was around a third of usual output because I was staying with daughter and grandchildren, the month before I was steaming, so it looks good. Also depends whether poetry or prose, the former is fewer words. The main thing is to get something down every day, if possible. I love hospital etc. waiting rooms, usually 3-500 words while waiting. Whether they're any good is another matter, but you can't edit a blank page. Who said that?

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