How to market a self-published book

by Margaret Wilson
1st February 2014

I self-published my novel "Hanna's Home" last year, but have found marketing it very difficult. Most bookstores will only take books through recognised publishers. Is there any way one can get around this?


My non fiction publisher is a whizz with promotion, she has several facebook and twitter accounts and uses goodreads. The other thing that really helps bolster sales is giving people with lots of followers and influence free copies, then they read the book and if it is good they will review and tell people about it.

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I'm no expert but have dealt with a few self published author through my work with a literary festival. I think it's about you taking charge of your own marketing through social media etc. a friend of mine has been published by a small indie publisher and when I showed her how to use twitter properly she found she had a lot of interest from the States in her work. I'm not sure if this is helpful or not?

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