How much dialogue?

4th December 2018

Hi all. How much dialogue is too much? Or is there no such thing as too much? The story I am currently writing is going to involve a lot of dialogue between two friends, but I don't want to go 'overboard' with the amount of talking. I won't write paragraphs of dialogue but there will be a substantial amount. Thanks


Hi Elsie.

Make sure that the dialogue between characters is relevant, that it advances the plot and storyline.

Only use stream-of-thought for secret, or private, or highly individual experience. Use characters’ streams of thought to let people know their inner world; perhaps reveal things that would not be revealed in any other way. For example, if a character is an evil psychopath, they are more likely to reveal that to the reader in streams-of-thought and by their actions, rather than in one-to-one dialogue.

Do not use dialogue or streams-of-thought to explain to the reader what is obvious to the characters. The reader should be drip-fed information, then left to work out what will happen next.

Test your dialogue.

Is your dialogue speakable?

Does it make sense when spoken aloud?

All the information you need can be given in dialogue - Elmore Leonard

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

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Adrian Sroka