I wonder what the average time is to write a novel?

by Adrian Sroka
28th February 2014

Most of my writing is done at weekends. I also try to write on weekday evenings.

The first rough draft of my novel took two years six months. I have been editing ever since. I still have much work to do.


For me, I try to write about 10,000 words per month, broken up as I feel like it. It takes me about 18 months to 2 years to finish a first draft. I don't tend to speed it up much as I enjoy doing the research that unpins the story and sometimes I have to do what I call my "activities allied to writing": re-reading, tweaking, scrapping, re-writing, on-the-fly editing. Usually I do these when I'm not in a writing mood and somehow it all comes together in the end.

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Robert Gill

Finished first draft of book in four months but not done the start of the editing as yet and I have a feeling that is going to take quite a bit of time to do. Hoping for three months, but will see how the reality of that differs once I make a start. If all I had to concentrate on was writing it would be done quicker, but when you have a full time job then you grab what time you can..

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The one I have just (yep that's right... I finally digitally published it yesterday!) got out there took two years but I did have a pregnancy and baby included in that time too. My first non fiction took about six months to write but it could have been better for a bit more time. My second non fiction took five years and a whole load of rewrites but was a much better book for the time spent.

I'm hoping the one I'm working on now will take a year but we'll see!

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