Importance of Being Earnest

by Megan King
23rd February 2013

Hey Everyone,

I have an assignment on Importance of Being Earnest, and I just wondered, if you could help.

If you have read the play, or seen it performed, what, in your opinion provides the humor? What makes it funny? And, is it a play that, to find it comical, it has to be performed on stage? Is it all in the delivery of the lines?

Thanks! x


Hi Terri,

I'm not a specialist, but I think that lines, where Oscar Wilde can express all his wit and his "art du quiproquo" have a great importance in his works, so as in Lady Windermere, you can find Importance of Being Earnest comical just by reading it ! But the play surely adds something to the text !

Anyway, if you want to make your own opinion, there's a movie (with Reese Witherspoon, Rupert Everett and Collin Firth) who maybe can give you a small idea (ok is not the same thing as in theater but you can see the attitudes of the actors) on the Importance of Being Performed on Stage ;)

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The irony of the title might be something you want to analyse. I personally think that the humour comes across in the script, not just the performance, as there is so much word play. That said, are you sure you should be seeking help from online forums? It's a fantastic play and doubtless you have your own opinions on it. I would give it a go without asking other people - and I'm sure you'll find there's heaps to write about. Best of luck with it!

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