is it good enough?

by Yasmine Saleem
24th May 2012

i'm not experienced, AT ALL. i have no idea whether my story is good or not since opinions are coming from more people who doesn't have experience. whose advice should i take?



You can always share it on the writers shared work and that way we can all read and comment on it. That way you get lots of different advice from different types of people

Profile picture for user vlimbert_13306
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Victoria Limbert

Hi All,

This is my inaugural input, interacting with you accomplished writers on writers&artists. I totally agree that writing is a rather lonely craft. I for one, find that I can easily lose focus if I allow myself to get distracted by everyday things like obligations as a working mother and bread winner. Actually I love to write and imagine myself to have my work in print one day but it is not easy to stay focused. My first attempt was a submission of a piece for the 2012 WA writing competition. I should have let someone read it first because it never made it. Who am I kidding...Actually it is harder for me because I have been working in a technical area (Research &Development for 29 years) but I thought I could try my hand at short story. Maybe I should stick to technical stuff....Can anyone read one of my pieces and tell me if I am just dreaming about that 'book' ?.

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Also though we are not experienced, most readers wont be experienced writers either, so if you ever publish or ask for opinions from a reader you will get similar answers to what you find on here as there are many diverse people from all walks of life, with all difference types of experience. I am currently self-published and happy with the reviews I have recieved from readers.

Profile picture for user vlimbert_13306
330 points
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Victoria Limbert