
by Jason Titley
7th November 2018

Hi all I’m in the process of trying to write my first book. I was wondering if you get people to read as you go? Obviously being my first I’ve no idea if it’s any good not. Suggestions or advice?


Thank you that’s great. I must admit at the minute I have no ending. I sit down and I know where I want the story to go next then I fill in the bit between.

I have 3 main characters and have got to a point where a point in the past needs explaining that doesn’t involve these characters. Do you think it’s ok to leave the main characters to fill in this bit of the story?

Profile picture for user titleyja_58470
330 points
Developing your craft
Jason Titley

Hi, Jason.

I cannot possibly cover all the aspects of a novel in one post.

I assume by a first book, you mean a novel.

Good luck if you have the beginning, middle and end to your novel. Yet evidence has shown that most would-be authors are pantsers - not planners. They start somewhere in the middle of their story, then add the beginning, back-story and ending, much later.

That is no bad thing, because the more you write, the more your ideas and your characters will evolve, and the more your novel will take shape.

Things for you to consider

Keep your plot and storyline as simple and straightforward as you can make it.

In what time and place is your novel set?

What is the theme of your novel.?

What does your protagonist hope to achieve, partially achieve, or fail to achieve at the end of your novel?

Make a list of rounded-characters including the protagonist. Don't have to many - 5 or 6 is best. Write down what identifies and individualises each of your characteristic from each other.

For example: Is a character greedy, generous, cold hearted, loving, hard working, lazy, peace-loving, violent, good natured, bad tempered, rich, poor. I could go on.

Make a list of 30 working chapter titles, each based around a single idea. Don't worry if you cannot think of that many. Go with what you have got. Ideas for more chapters will come to you the more your storyline progresses.

Dialogue - Can I say it. Does it make sense when spoken aloud.

Dialogue should not be used to explain to the reader what is obvious to the characters. That is a lazy way to convey information. Dialogue should be used to drip-feed information to the reader. Perhaps, give them a puzzle to solve.

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

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