
by A Fox
30th September 2013

Have any of you tried you hand at journalism?

Recently I made a business proposal to my local newspaper. Although the proposal was praised, it was declined...with the offer of a work experience placement. I, of course, said yes.

Today was my first day, and I was rather thrown in at the deep end: sent off to search for Prince Phillip in a bog. I'm not even joking. I had only been there a few minutes then, after a quick side trip whilst the photographer grabbed some piks for an advertisement, I found myself smiling at the Quuen's husband and taking notes blind.

I find the challenge of adapting my writing style and pace really quite fun...although a bit boggling when I'm used to considering a 100k word scope!

Focus has to be tight, a balance struck between info and interest. (Not too mention the computer programs to get used to, and door after key-padded door to fumble through)

Resource suggestions are welcome :)


It was fun. I was really lucky (/put myself out there) to get it, considering they usually give work experience to graduates with a journalism degree.

Dor, that doesn't surprise me. :) Turning over the scuffles for the juicy bits.

This paper has a very fast turnover, going to print for each Tuesday and Friday. They rely upon a constant stream of data and so plan ahead and send photographers Though with stories that gain swift momentum there will often be a flurry of small bits of info that develop into a lead. Or most times fizzle out as little more than a pictorial caption.

I think I contributed something heading toward 20 pieces, chocolate and fire service call out vids for the web, and 4 by lines:

1) conservation piece on Prince Phillip in a bog (That's home to a pandemonium of Nightjars)

2) community piece re a scheme helping those who have fallen through cracks of society due to redundancy, poverty & benefit sanctions re-enter via training, jobs and tenancy.

3) vox pop re Osbourne's harsher welfare reforms.

4) The voices of women who are survivors of child sex crime, following recent crime reports of local offenders. (the last for the next paper).

My first publications. It was an abrupt learning curve, so different to how I write long fiction and yet with valuable lessons that translate.

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I once wrote an extremely cynical press release for a local group who were objecting about a planning application. The newspaper journalist added a quote from the other party at the end of it and published it under her byline, which I found hilarious.

It depends on the type of newspaper, but I'd suggest making contact with any local groups, or evening classes, anything like that. They are a great source of "filler" because there is always *something* going on or some angle you can spin, even if it's something as basic as "WI prepares for Christmas Bake Sale".

Or you can browse Twitter for your local area to find leads for "local issue" pieces. People on Twitter are forever giving out about potholes and that.

Get permission for quotes and spell everybody's names correctly.

And read The Truth by Terry Pratchett ;)

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First good luck and I hope it works out for you.

The closest I've got to journalism was when I had to write my first press release for my art exhibition. I had the highest attendance of people that the gallery had ever seen 122 people arrived at the private view. I also had the highest gross earnings that the gallery had ever seen. I put it down to me being just lucky....

On the back of that I was offered the job as press officer which I took and continue to do for a year. I was unaware that my first proper press release job was for the Beatles photographer Bill Zygmant. Bills Exhibition was extended by four weeks and I managed to attract radio and TV. The exhibition went out on BBC1 and ITV News. Of course it broke all sales records leaving me standing behind but I was happy.

Would I want to do it again..... I think the answer would be no.


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