Just Completed my Novel

by Zohaib Ahmed
18th September 2012

Hello Writers

i have just completed my novel after a 20 months hard work, i am happy at my achievement.

The real thing is that i need your suggestions on what should be the next step?

i was thinking to upload my novel on wattpad, is it safe there?

i need your suggestions a lot of them so everyone please suggest



You could edit it again, sort out those lingering mistakes, like, dare I say it, comma splices. Dammit. I said it. I've only just discovered those little beggars so I'm going through my MS yet again.

Assuming it is really, really finished, why not send it off to agents? Get a few knock-backs as is expected, then you never know the opportunity may come your way. Many agents accept email submission these days, find them in the appropriate volume or hopefully listed soon on this site. Do your homework though, and make sure they deal with your subject matter, genre, type etc. They usually want the first 3 chapters, a synopsis and cover letter. The latter would be the body of the email. Or self-publish, many find their ways to publishers going this route. Kindle too is good. You could even give a sampler here, if you wanted some feedback.

Whatever route you take, the best of luck.

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