To Kindle or not to Kindle?

by Gilly Ansell
13th July 2012

I have to admit I really enjoy my Kindle as it is light, fits in my handbag and I can purchase a new book and have it deliered remotely without having to go to the shops (quite an advantage when you're anti social, like me). However, I do miss be able to share 'books' with friends and family like I used to when I bought them in hard copy. The idea of picking up a hard copy of a novel now just doesn't appeal to me. So, what I'm asking is, do you prefer the hard copies of books or the Kindle?


As I write this on my desk is one of my favourite books. I've read it a hundred times, more importantly I've just ducked into it for brief respite as I pass. Then again last Christmas I got an iPad. The winter holiday was to be electronic books and the opportunity to stay in touch with emails. The iPad was loaded with several books from authors I knew I would love. They were OK but I just didn't get that most wonderful feel when you curl up with a paper book. I appreciated the convenience and less weight. I didn't appreciate the dificulty in making a personal connection.

Got to close now, I have this desire to flick through that old book again.

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270 points
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Robert Legg

I prefer books. The fact that the Kindle is a computer freaks me out. Books are supposed to smell and be physically...there if you see what I mean. I know lots of people love their kindles but don't see the allure I'm afraid.

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I like to have the book, simple because me and my mum like the same kind of things near enough so we borrow each other books we think the other might like.

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