Kindle self-publishing

by Ralph Cutting
22nd September 2012

It would be good if any Kindlers (in addition to the Long Distance Writer) could share their experience, whatever stage they are at. Then we know what to expect, obstacles to vault at each stage.

I am still in the handwritten stage, perhaps 7 to 10% of the way 'in'.

Hopefully I'll reach my objective for first draft completion in a month.


Kindle publishing is straightforward if you can format a Word document to their spec, which is what you'll have to supply.

Apart from that, don't expect any sales without a LOT of effort on the promotion side. Even then, unless you're writing a popular genre (crime, horror, fantasy) it takes time before your work gets noticed, in my experience (which is admittedly not great).

First draft in a month? Wish I could write that quick ;)

Best of luck!

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