Last few chapters

by Nathalie Blackney
8th February 2016

Hi! I'm trying to finish a novel and I'm at this stage when there's only 5 or 6 chapters left to finish my first draft. This is not the first time I've been there, and all previous attempts have ended with finished works tidied away in a drawer somewhere. Problem is: half of my brain is already rewriting and editing the beginning and the other half is simply starting other projects.

I don't know if it's a sign I should ease up on it a little, work on something else for a while until I feel up to finishing my first draft properly. Or should I stick with it, even if I am writing more and more slowly and getting upset with what I am producing? Has anybody got any tips to get over this first-draft-fed-up syndrome?


I know what you mean. My brain is always trying to do everything at once. Now I try to slow down and tell myself to concentrate on one thing at a time. I tell myself that re-writing and editing is for later...keep going with the story to the end. Maybe if you reward yourself somehow for finishing or even better have someone else do it as an incentive?

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330 points
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Debbie Siddle

Thank you all for your answers and your support, it's been a great help. I'm almost there!

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270 points
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Nathalie Blackney

Usually the work that is over written or over perfected turns out to be the least liked. Write what you feel and stick to the original work. I. Our heads when we plan staff it is effective and seems like a cup of tea but the real trouble is when when we start. Just relax and take one step at a time. You will get there. Remember Rome was not built in a day

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Thelma Goronga