Legit Publishing Companies

by Jessica Edwards
26th January 2018

Hi all!

This morning, I received an email from Austin Macauley Publishing to sign a Publishing Agreement. Initially, I was optimistic and delighted by the content of the message, but I have since undertaken some independent research into offers such as AM and found it very disheartening with what I read.

The offer itself wasn't considered as the norm. Therefore, I had to decline the offer because apparently Publishing Companies that are legit don't ask for money up front.

I would really appreciate it if I knew which Publishing companies are legit, the ones that do not ask for money up front.

Thank you!


Messrs AM seem to have been busy this week, I also got a letter inviting me to forward full MS (they've had my Synopsis & Sample c. 14 days ...)

Thank you Susan Russell for the link you posted. Some excellent advice there.

Pretty sure I'll be looking elsewhere for publiction

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They will make such an offer sound irresistible - 'Look, I've got an offer from a publisher!' - but they exist first, last and foremost to make money. If you pay upfront, they have no incentive at all to do anything for you. They will not plug your work anywhere that anyone will see it (that would imply an advertising budget which they won't have for an unknown) and you are unlikely to make back what you pay them. These people have been on 'beware' lists for years for a good reason.

Go through W&A and select several publishers that sound likely, check out their websites, and then google like mad.

If you write a particular genre, see if there's a Facebook group you could join, where authors may recommend their own publishers (and then google as before).

Go to Amazon, and find other authors in your genre, and see who publishes them.

Good luck!


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Actually, I came across some helpful advice today, so am posting the link here https://writersedit.com/fiction-writing/6-questions-help-avoid-predatory-publishers/ Maybe that will help

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