litarary agent

by John Stefan
5th October 2017


I have contacted a literary agent in london. they have accepted my request and have asked for 3 things. a synopsis of my story, a cover letter about myself, and the first three chapters. I have emailed them all as they said that they do not except submissions by post. And What can I expect from them now?

regards JOHN


In the up side you've done the hard bit. Synopses are killers, well done just getting that out the door.

In the but-so-up side, you probably have a bit of a wait on your hands. If used that to do some more writing. The quickest I had a response was 3 weeks (a polite rejection) and I got 3 more rejections over the next 9 weeks or so. Some agents didn't reply.

Assuming you're good (of course) and hoping you're lucky enough to be accepted you will hear from them, just give it time. They get piles of submissions and I genuinely believe they are good enough to read them all. Your time will come!

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