looking for academic re picture books for toddlers

by Carole Wise
11th July 2018

I am currently working on my Ph.D. proposal. My inquiry is a theoretical and holistic approach encouraging toddlers to engage with uncertainty. The anticipated vehicle is a picture book. I am looking to work with a fellow academic with similar interest. Does anyone in this community know of such a person? Your help is greatly appreciated.



- advice of a psychologist.

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Dear Jimmy,

Thank you for your thoughtful response. I would indeed be interested in speaking with you about the picture books I intend to bring to life although I fear that may be delayed by my need to finish my dissertation.

Right now, I need to connect with an academic who is actively researching the use of picture books and tales for the infant to toddler age range. I would really appreciate knowing the author of the dissertation in which your story was cited. It might be that either the author or some member of their dissertation committee would be able to assist me at this time.

Again, thank you for your response. I will be in touch with you are my work progresses and I can begin to devote time to constructing the picture book.

Best wishes,


Profile picture for user cjwmooer_56709
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Picture Books (Children's)
Carole Wise

Dear Carole,

I'm not an academic, but I have some experience in picture books. As I understand your question, you want examples of books that "push the boundaries" for very young children, encouraging bravery in exploring problematic/exciting/challenging terrain. Have I got that right?

I'm chief editor of a tiny publishing concern. I've recently been editing a picture book for children about cancer (obliquely: the narrator is a stuffed toy rabbit). For children starting a little older than your target age. I've also just commissioned - and been sent a fairly polished first draught of - a book warning children (as young as toddlers, but also older, I believe) about paedophiles. Nothing too graphic, scary, or detailed, and with amusing plays on words. The title is Huggy Bug. And another - written by an 89yo member of this forum and illustrated by the 5yo daughter of another - should be printed (and available as an e-book) by Xmas. It's entitled "draGons!" (Not a typo.)

One of the central themes of my publishing concern is to convey to children "Don't expect the expected." / "Things/people are not always what they seem." (We try to break down stereotypes and prejudices.)

Is that the sort of thing that you're looking for?

If you think that you might be interested in further conversation with me, you could "connect" with me via this site.


p.s. One of my own stories was cited in a doctorial thesis.

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Hollis i Dickson
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