Looking for an illustrator!

by Jenny Rumney
30th August 2016

Hi there, I have written a short story for children (picture book). I have already had very positive feedback from a charity which deals with the subject matter in the story and they are keen to use the work once it is finished. I am looking for an illustrator of children's books to work with on this project. Would anyone be interested? Thank you


Thanks for that feedback- I will have a look into shared works and consider uploading. I am still in talks re: publishing. Thank you

Profile picture for user Jenny Rumney
270 points
Developing your craft
The writing process
Jenny Rumney

Would you care to upload your story on "shared works"? Some artists would be happy to support a project for some charities but not for others. We're not all "in it for the money".

I - for example - would be willing to work for free on a project for battered wives or Save The Children Fund... byut not for a charity that calls itself "Pro-Life", when what they really mean is "Pro-Compulsory-Birthing".

Unfortunately, I'm not an illustrator... but you get the point.

p.s. Would the charity publish the book themselves... or recommend it to a publisher with sympathetic views? i.e. Are you almost sure of getting it published? That fact might sway an artist to invest time and energy without demanding payment up-front.

Profile picture for user wilhelmi_40676
330 points
Developing your craft
Wilhelmina Lyre