Market Research?

by Mark J Braybrook
19th April 2014

How many of us do actual market research before starting our novels? What I mean by this is does anyone come up with an outline of a novel and then go to the local book shop or library to see if the proposed novel will be in with chance against what is already there?


Hi Kate and Katie, I guess it's important not to work on something that's already been done, but it must be hard when an idea is forming to go and check the market for similar works. I completed a children's novel which I sent to a few publishers a couple of years ago and although it was rejected the experience encouraged me to continue refining it. Whilst in the planning stages, I did find a book already published that had a similar name so that convinced me to change my title. I guess that ultimately a publisher will be concerned with quality of writing and saleability above everything else?

Any publishers/agents out there want to give their view on the subject?

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Mark J Braybrook

Although I agree writing should come from the heart, I think research is important. Partly for commercial reasons, but mostly to understand the subject area.

I write about what I know, but I don't know everything about it and I also only have one narrow opinion (my own). Researching the subject through books, television, blogs, talking to people... that's only going to enhance my understanding and in the same way, going to enhance my novel.

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Katie Gerrard

If someone is planning to submit to an agent or publisher I think it would be worth checking if there is already a book with the same name or a very similar plot. This would save you from accusations of plagiarism as well as swift rejection, although it needn’t stop you from writing your idea for your own pleasure.

I wrote a short story for my children a while ago, and wondered if I could turn it into the first chapter of a longer children’s book. Fortunately, I will still on the planning stage when I stumbled across a very similar book (although written for an older age group than mine was intended for). I lost enthusiasm for the idea then (but I have lots of other ideas so that’s ok).

As to researching for what will be “the next big thing” I don’t think that would ever work (by the time the book’s written it would be old hat anyway) and would take some of the joy out of writing.

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