Maximising W&A patronage

by Marlon Viloria
2nd May 2018

Hello all,

Just a suggestion...

Why don't we use this forum to help each other out? I mean, for us wannabees (or even established writers) who have written a story, we can help each other by reviewing each other's work for free, and make suggestive comments to polish or improve someone's work.

Most of us seemed to have experienced this blocking issue of finding the right (or legitimate) editors, agents and publishers. And all of us know it is near-impossible to get noticed, particularly for newbie and unknown authors like most of us.

I am willing to review someone's work and make constructive comments (where necessary) although it might take longer to do so due to work commitments, i.e. day job.

Your thoughts?

Best regards,



Hi Marlon.

There is a shared work section that does what you have asked.

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19900 points
Ready to publish
Middle Grade (Children's)
Young Adult (YA)
Adrian Sroka