Mood dictates

by Megan King
28th April 2013

Does your mood dictate your writing? Is there a certain emotion/mood your in that means you can't write - or can you only write in a certain mood/mind frame.

I suffer from bouts of depression and when these occur I'm unable to write. Film writer Lars von Trier also suffers from extreme stages of depression and he is the opposite - he said that he can only write when the depression occurs. My writing is usually quite dark and angsty so I assumed when I suffered from a particular bad spell it wouldn't be a problem - it is. I can't write at all. I can only write when I'm feeling happy because I have more confidence in myself. What about you - can you write no matter what your mood or is there a certain mood you can/can't write in?


Megan, you should write a list of the things that put you in a good mood, and do those that you are able too. Ask yourself what you did on your good days. Did you eat well? Did you sleep well the previous night? Are you getting enough rest? Did you enjoy the company of family or friends? It is important you talk to people and not shut yourself away when you are feeling low.

Reading is now considered to be very good therapy for depression.

The reader forgets their anxieties when they are absorbed in a book.

If need be, I enhance my mood by playing classical music. I may also read a poem or ten to twenty pages of a novel. Reading beforehand always inspires me to write.

A full stomach helps when I write or edit for long periods. Food is also mood enhancing.

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

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I'm really sorry to hear that you suffer from depression - it must be hard. If you feel you can't write during your bouts, remember that depression seems to be a link between many of the world's most successful authors. Also, I've read your shared work - you have every reason to have confidence in your writing at all times.

I always find it very hard to write after I've heard the results from a writing competition, and I didn't win. I get so angry and embarrassed that I generally fling my laptop across the room, vowing never to write anything again. I know this is irrational!

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