Is my idea good?

by Grace Gotts
31st July 2015

I went online to a plot generator and made a random plot. I then changed a little bit, what do you think?

Tristan Jones suspected something was a little off when a vampire tried to bite him when he was just ten years old. Nevertheless, he lived a relatively normal life among other humans.

It wasn't until years later when he he bumped into the devilishly adorable vampire, Lucy Roth, that his life finally began to make sense.

However, Lucy proved to be kind and seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with writing. Tristan soon learnt that Lucy had taken an oath never to take pleasure from a human being.

When Tristan's old friend is injured in a polo accident, Tristan realises his own life is at risk.

Despite Lucy's bloody wounds and long claws, Tristan finds himself falling for the vampire. Only fate will decided whether he kills or protects her.

One night, a gremlin appears before Tristan and warns him of a darkness within Lucy. The gremlin gives Tristan the ripped candlestick - the only weapon that can defeat a adorable vampire.

Will Tristan find it in himself to kill the only creature who has ever made him feel truly uneasy?



Obviously plots are important, but I think a story is made more by how its written. So, if you like the plot and you can see the scenes clearly in your head, start writing it. If nothing else comes of it, you'll enjoy the experience and become a better writer at the same time.

In regards the misunderstanding below, it is obviously good to be careful online. You can never be too sure about the person behind the screen. That being said, if you are made any offers, publishing or otherwise, the best thing to do is always check with your parents before responding...

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Grace, you will find no better well-meaning helpful advisors than Jimmy or Lorraine. I wish I had the time to reply at length to would-be authors questions as they do.

Forget vampires, they went out with flares.

However, I do like your idea about twins with magical powers. Twisted Twins as a title? Have their powers corrupt themselves. Then you will have an underlying theme of how power corrupts in everyday life.

Profile picture for user Adrian
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This is quite upsetting.

I would have let this lie, but there may be new users on this site who aren't aware that:

a) it is IMPOSSIBLE to communicate privately with anyone via this site unless a "connect" request has been ACCEPTED.

b) it is also IMPOSSIBLE to erase any comments already made: either your own or those of others.

It is therefore possible to read every single comment I have made re: Grace Gotts, because they were - and continue to be - completely open to public scrutiny. I have tried to give her useful advice, and I have written that my publishing concern is interested in bringing out books BY children.

Grace, however, implies that something I have said causes her to be on the point of reporting me. Reporting me for just WHAT, Grace? Those who have more experience with this site will be aware of my contributions.

But rest assured, Grace: I have no further interest in someone who threatens me in this way, nor has my publishing concern any interest in offering a publishing deal to somebody so set on creating yet another Twilight clone. This is the last time that I will comment on ANYTHING that you have to say.

Report me if you wish. I have nothing to hide.

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Hollis i Dickson
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