Need you help once more

by damien Isaak
6th September 2013

Hi all I am back from my long op less said about that the better.

I DID self publish Jacob Jones when everything went wrong so it has not gone to plan.... should I send out my MS and give it a good go before I try and pick up from where I left. I have posted part of chapter 11 down below would love to see if I should POST OUT or FORGET IT. Nice to be back... Have i missed much???



Thanks and I see what you are saying about the first rights. I have been very ill hence the book never got push.

I understand what everyone says about it being like Harry Potter but I then say that good old saying (never judge a book by its cover) Ethan the red head boy is only in the first 3 chapters. this is so hard can know one ever write about a red head boy again.

Yes everyone is right about The order of seven part sounding like the order of the phoenix but the book is not about wizards witches or broomsticks. it seems to me no matter how much I say it is not like harry potter people just want to think it is. can you copyright a boy with red hair or the name order?

I give up......

Thanks for your input and honesty.



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damien Isaak

Write a new book.

The hard truth is that by publishing the work, you've now made that hill to representation and publication that bit steeper as some agents specify they won't look at anything which no longer has first rights available (although it's important to note that for other agents first rights are less of a big deal than they were even five years ago). That you've self published and (I assume from your description of everything going wrong) sold very few copies does not give encouragement to somebody looking to buy it.

The third problem is, however much you cite the differences, whatever the legal position, even though you'd come up with the story first, it is derivative of Harry Potter, from the title to the freckled best friend with red hair. If I were an agent, that is the point I would stop reading.

Of course, the other option is to promote the book you've published. I've just Googled your name and Jacob Jones - how can people buy a book they don't know exists? Before you throw in the towel, build on what you've already achieved. You've written a book, you've got it out there, now get marketing.

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sorry need YOUR help

Profile picture for user damienis_24893
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damien Isaak