New short story

by Penny Gadd
31st December 2016

Hi Everybody

I've posted a new short story in Shared Works. Although I reduced it below 3000 words according to Word, the website disagrees, so it's been posted in two halves. You need to read both part 1 and part 2 in that order. I would really appreciate some criticism on this. I've worked quite hard on it, but I'm not sure that's helped; I think it may have lost some spontaneity.

Anyway, here it is, and your comments will be welcomed!

All the best



Others have had this problem, as well. I don't know what W&As uses as a word counter, but it always exaggerates!

Looking forward to reading your story, but I'm in a café that closes in 6 minutes, so I'll copy it to laptop...

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