Not sure about copyright on certain aspects

by Paul Garside
5th March 2018

Hello all, been a while, been busy. Haven't we all I can almost hear you say.

So to business. Elvis Presley gave an impromptu address to his audience on his opening night at the International Hotel Las Vegas in 1969. As it was the spoken word and has been reported on, is it OK to quote him verbatim.

Also, can a writer use, say, just the first line of a song without permission?

It is actually the first line of 'Blue Suede Shoes' along with the half way through his first nights performance announcement, I want to use.

Any Ideas?

Regards Paul G


Copyright is a complex issue and it differs from country to country. In addition, if the quotation is to be used in a commercial capacity, or if an extract is in itself an important part of the whole, you may have a problem.

As for the spoken word - that also has a copyright. And having previously been reported, very often the reporter / newspaper or whoever, will very likely have paid for the privilege of using the quote

I can only suggest you try to trace the likely copyright owner, and ask them if you can use the quote. Otherwise, get a professional opinion - even if it costs money, it's cheaper than being sued later.

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