Novel writing

by Victoria Constant
23rd February 2014

Hey guys, how would I go about writing a novel? I've wanted to for a while but don't know where to start :(


Katie- plotting is writing too.

That's how I got stuck in with my first book. Jotted down a flash of an idea, then started expanding it, adding bits as they came to me before pulling them into the plot. I think that first one is always going to be the hardest in some sense, because you are learning how to do it, how to put a story together, what your style is. And we all have a slightly different approach but actually getting words on the page is key. Its good to be supported with the theory, but it's the experience that will inform the reader.

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Although I agree that it's great to get stuck in, I know that I am finding writing my second novel much easier than the first and that is because I've studied a bit more on how to structure stories. It really does help to think about the formation of the story and plot it all out before you start.

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Read fiction. Read, read, read. Sounds obvious and you probably do it already but make sure you're reading like a writer; it will help you see what works (and why) and what doesn't work (and why).

Beyond that, just write. Write everyday, if you can. Whether you're one of those writers who needs to plot in advance or whether you write your way into a story, you won't know until you start.

I wrote my first novel when I was in my very early 20s. It was long and meandering and almost entirely plotless. Thankfully, aside from the eyes of an indulgent friend, it didn't see the light of day but my second was so so so much better. And the third will be better still. I don't say this to be discouraging but rather to emphasise that novel writing is a journey. And until you start writing you won't know which way you'll go!

Oh, and it was only until I was some way through the first draft of my second novel that I even picked up a craft book. I've read quite a few now and agree they can be helpful. I just don't think you need to read any before you start writing.

Anyway, the most important thing: have fun!!

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