A Novella

by Max Northeast
19th November 2012

In writing a Novella based on fact (from original papers in my possession) I have included excerpts taken from the Web in illustrating the conditions prevailing at the time. Is this acceptable in determining that the work is original?


Thank you for your input.

I shall try to clarify my position. The story is not so much fiction, but factual. I am however writing the story using a little poetic licence as if I happen to be the individual involved.

The story is based in the mid 1840's and it seems to me that without the addition of the conditions( more so Regulations) that were in existence the reader would not be able to fully comprehend his plight. The conditions I talk about are those with which he and others had to comply with.

In addition I have taken comments made by an observer of the day as being necessary to further clarify and identify the actual conditions he faced.

Is this still a problem?

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270 points
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Max Northeast

You should always take the information in a sentence, not the sentence itself. I would say those 'excerpts' need to be rewritten.

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