Other perils of self-publishing, Chapter 26: The Printers

by Jimmy Hollis i Dickson
28th April 2015

As related earlier, I set up a stall in Barcelona on World Book Day. Feeling optimistic, I'd ordered a print run of 75 copies. (Usually I order 25 at a time.) Having paid for the printing, I took the package home and opened it. The printers had trimmed the book so drastically that on some pages the words were grazing the edge of the paper.

This sort of thing could destroy my reputation as a publisher before that reputation has even been started. I could throw out the whole load and cut my losses, I could give them as gifts to friends...

I've decided to sell them at a 40% discount with a sticker: "Price reduction to to bungling printers. We'll never use them again and promise future print-runs will be much better."

Trouble is, the CASTELLÓ book fair starts on Wednesday, the day after tomorrow, I've ordered a new print-run (from a different firm, of course) of 50... but they won't be ready by the FOLLOWING Tuesday (at the earliest).

And I've got an author's signing slot the Saturday before that. I've written to ask to swap, but without a great expectation, as the program's already been printed.

So watch out for me on Saturday, signing cut-priced, defective children's books...


I suspect Barbara is right. As this is your launch product you want it to be perfect. In this situation I would be totally put off by substandard products, whatever the reason or price reduction.

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Return the badly made books, Jimmy and get your money back. It won't do your reputation any good if you sell rubbish.

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