Personal Introductions

by E Amelia Johnson
7th May 2012

It's not what you know, it's who you know. Cliche this may be, but perusal of publishers' lists indicates that it may be a truism. Does anyone have experience that belies this belief?


When did age-old sayings full of wisdom become clichés, that's what I want to know? You can't say anything these days for fear of being a cliché. We do detriment in constantly belittling the knowledge passed on in those tiny spoken stories which guided long before the term 'flash fiction' ever entered our vocabulary. It only happens because of commercialism and the constant search for the next big thing which always needs complete detachment from the old. In the language of my generation, it really gets on my tits! Sorry, just wanted to get that off my chest, so to speak.

But in answer to your question... um... no, but I find that quite a comfort. After all, who you know is within your power, no matter how out of reach the right person might seem.

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5200 points
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Young Adult (YA)
Speculative Fiction
Short stories
Writing and Editing
Victoria Whithear