Post submissions nerves

by Robert Gill
13th February 2013

I've just submitted my story to an agent for the first time having edited it to death. I have found myself feeling quite nervous about the reply (probably none for about 4 weeks yet). Does anybody else get this feeling post submission and, I guess what I really want to know is, what are your tips to handle it?


Thanks both. I got busy redecorating my living room in the end. Nerves have now eased.

Profile picture for user robswrit_24154
270 points
Developing your craft
Robert Gill

That's a good one by Aishah, however I'll add that just consider the one you sent as condemned and occupy yourself with a new work.

Profile picture for user sbagirei_25435
270 points
Developing your craft
Suleiman Bagirei

Hi there.

I've never made any submissions myself so I can't really claim that I know how you feel. However, I have experienced feelings of extreme nervousness especially when waiting for a verdict (kinda) for something on which you have expended a good deal of effort (and probably lost a bit of your soul as well). So, if you consider that to be good enough authority, here's my advice:

Get busy. Do something that requires thought and planning to get your mind off the submission reply, eg spring-cleaning your house (which probably needs it :) since you've been busy getting your work submitted, unless you're a "clean as you go" person).

Get a hobby. Better if you've already got one. Spend more time on it. Flower arranging, rock climbing, sleeping, paintball fights, whatever tickles your fancy. Do avoid reading books and similar activities, though.

Get away. Vacation activities like getting your tan on a beach, hiking in a forest and enjoying spa treatment should get your mind away from your nerves. Try to relax and enjoy the vacation.

Spend time with family and friends. Organise a get-together, throw a barbecue party, celebrate birthdays/anniversaries/weddings/births in a more-special-than-usual way. Catch up with your family and friends on what's happening in their lives, since you have nothing happening in yours (for now).

DO NOT, under any circumstances, pore over your copy looking for areas which you could have omitted or made better or written differently or explained more or ... well, you get the idea. Obsessing over a submitted copy will only increase your stress.

DO NOT pester your agent for replies (but you should know this already)! I've been on the receiving end of such pestering and, if truth be told, it just makes me want to delay the reply more. Have no contact with your agent until at least the 25th day (and don't go counting every day either!). Distract yourself with other activities if the urge persists.

I admit these things don't work sometimes no matter how hard you try, so,

Happy Waiting! (^_^)

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45 points
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