Pre-Graduation Work

by Antonios Antoniadis
8th August 2018


I am 26 years old and one year away from completing a bachelor program of Italian linguistics. Beside that I speak fluently Swedish, Greek and English. Right now I write for myself and try to send some of my work to different websites in order to get published (without payment), but I wonder if you have any suggestions on what I should do to improve my career and possibilities of working as a freelancer after my graduation? What should I try to do before I get graduated? Just write here and there and sent my texts to different websites and blogs? Is there any big community or jobapplication websites I should join? What do you guys think is important?

Thank you in advance and have a good day!


I suppose it depends on what you write. Are you working on a large project? Are you writing short stories? The latter is a good form to practice and try get feedback for, why not enter competitions and see how you do, or submit them to magazines to see if they might be published? Neither is easy, but it gets your work out there. If you have enough work that has been edited as well as can be and has been scrutinised by your test readers, why not create an epub version and tout it around Amazon. Who knows, it may be spotted by a publisher. Whatever you do, the best thing is to keep writing...

Profile picture for user JB Wilson
330 points
Developing your craft
Short stories
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Middle Grade (Children's)
Picture Books (Children's)
Speculative Fiction
Gothic and Horror
Philosophy and Religion
John Wilson