Print Publishing After Web Publishing?

by Jane Shannahan
14th April 2012

Hello. If I have self-published my book on my own site as well as Amazon, am I able, at a later time, allowed to get it published in print with a mainstream publisher (getting a bit ahead of myself here I know!)? Thanks.


So you haven't self-published yet? If you haven't, really think about professional editing. You need readers to recommend your book and if they've found it hard to read because of niggling typos and the like, they won't. I know it seems like an unnecessary expense, but it's surprising how much a new pair of eyes will turn up.

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Victoria Whithear

Thanks, Victoria. I think I was getting mixed up with competition rules as I have started entering and they seem to say "must not have been published anywhere on the Internet". Yes, I would be over the moon if I sold a couple of hundred e-books! I have just been reading about Amanda Hocking, etc. I will keep trying the traditional route (trying to interest an agent) but the thought of putting it out there on the ether is just too thrilling to refuse right now.

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Jane Shannahan

It's not really a matter of being allowed. You can do what ever you want with your own work, it's just whether it has been successful enough for a traditional publisher to consider rebinding and relaunching. Their finances are stretched so they are only picking the runaway successes so far. A traditional publisher would be happy if a new author they published sold an initial print run of 5000 copies and a reprint was required, but those who've obtained a deal after first self-publishing have often had to sell a million copies (albeit e-book edition) to be noticed. The question is more 'Can you sell a million e-books?!'

But don't let that put you off. If you have a book you believe in the best person in the world to sell it is you. Good luck!

Profile picture for user dividedheart
5200 points
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Victoria Whithear