
by Annette Greenwood
12th December 2013

Having had a no thanks from a publisher and one line of feedback about my synopsis.I am seeking to improve on what I have written. I want to find out exactly what the feedback means as I am not sure.Is there a protocol that says it is inappropriate to go directly and ask the question of the publisher if the agent who sent it to the publisher is not forthcoming with the info?


Just my opinion, but it sounds as though they like your idea, but something about how it's written is weakening the submission. This may mean the writing itself - lack of voice, poor use of POV, etc etc - it may mean the plotting - does this good idea devolve into a standard romance/thriller/crime/whatever? - it may mean the pacing ... there's a lot it could be. It's the kind of thing I'd say about The Night Circus - great idea, but I didn't care for the story or the way it was done.

Rather than paying for an edit, I recommend joining a writer's group. The AbsoluteWrite Water Cooler is an online message board which is very good and which has a critique section (you will need to be a member to access it and you will need 50 posts before you can submit work for critique. Beware: they take no prisoners). The trouble with an editor is that it's one person's opinion, and also that there are many who charge but few who are worth it. I've never used them, but I've heard excellent things about Cornerstones and The Writer's Workshop.

By joining an active crit group, you have the advantage of a Hive Mind which is keeping up with agent blogs and what's popular in the current market, and who have read eleventy billion books between them. That's valuable knowledge.

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Thanks for this.I have just paid for a full edit and am going through the feedback now. It was more about trying to decipher the feedback I had received. here it is below.What does it exactly mean? Thanks guys

An interesting idea, but not standout enough in execution for me to pursue further.

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Annette Greenwood

Damien is right, the best critic and/or edits are from paid for professionals, but it doesn't mean they are always right, or good at editing [for the subject matter].

Sometimes they can edit the soul out of a story.

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