
by S G Romee
17th August 2012

If one has the resources available, would self publishing not be the best way to usher one's literary work of art through the threshold of success?


Hi, Adrian! That is a perfect picture you have painted for me. Thank you very much.

However, I am based in Delhi, India. There don't seem to be any agents of any repute here. All agents who could match what is expected from them seem to be in New York or London.

Without a face to face discussion one may not be able to gauge the authenticity of an agent's claims who is based thousands of miles away.

Does an author based in India have a disadvantage as far as publishing their books goes, because of lack of experienced and well connected literary agents?

Profile picture for user sgromee@_23232
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S G Romee

I am not an advocvate of Self-Publishing. I do not believe it is wise for a first time novelist to self-publish.

There are vanity publishers and print-on-demand publishers, but you will incur costs if you choose either route.

I do not believe that many small to medium size traditional publishers are willing to take risks. They may not be willing, or have the necessary resources to maximise the potential of your book.

The vital consideration is how much money a publisher is willing to allocate to promote your novel. That will obviously depend on the estimated sales of your novel. The bigger the publisher the better chance of recognition.

It's important not to sell yourself short. Request a one book deal with publishers. Do not surrender the film rights. Do not surrender the foreign rights. Request a scale of royalties based on the sales of your novel. Any advance agreed must be non-returnable and only redeemed through book sales.

You should secure an agent. They can tell if a book has the potential to be a commercial success. lt is in their interest to get you the best deal. The more you earn from royalties as an author, the bigger their commission.

If your agent believes you are onto a winner, he or she will advise you on all aspects relating to publishing contracts, and seek the best commercial opportunities

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

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Adrian Sroka

I have been told the author seldom gets much out of his endeavors, speaking of monetary gains. Don't know how far that is true. I have yet to find a publisher for my first fiction novel. I haven't sent it to any publisher yet.

Every time I give my manuscript a reading and find tears in my eyes in the emotional scenes, I feel none of what has been told to me must be true. My book must reach every ardent reader.

Profile picture for user sgromee@_23232
270 points
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S G Romee