Questions for Admin

by Wilhelmina Lyre
13th July 2018

I've just read your reply to Emilie van Damm (at present one Q back). This dredges up at least 3 further Qs. (Please feel free - anybody else - to add more about the forthcoming improvements here in reply boxes!)

Q1: Do I understand that a new SITE is under construction? And - if so - does this mean that this one will be shut down? That would mean the loss of material and contacts!

Q2. Will we be informed - in plenty of time via e-mails - before such upheavals?

Q3. Will these improvements include the much-wished-for "edit" function for ALL submissions, including Qs AND replies; e-mail notification of replies to our Qs and comments; the possibility to reply to a reply and have the original replier (?) advised via e-mail; the option to TURN OFF e-mail notifications on a case-by-case (Q by Q) basis; the possibility to block replies from antipathetic fellow members; the option to include a note to fellow members with whom you WISH to "connect" explaining WHY you wish to do so?

ALL of these options are available on other social media, so the technology is there (out there). I realise that this site and staff are much smaller than - for example - Facebook's, but if improvements are being planned, they might as well be wide-reaching. Once set up, these functions cause no extra work to the human side of Admin: they can all be automated.


Hi Wilhelmina,

Thanks for your message!

1) A new site is being built, yes, and migration of all customers on this site is included as part of the process of the new platform being launched. The migration includes all posts and contacts you might have. There will need to be some sort of account activation on the new site (creation of a new password, for example) but we don’t have confirmation of those exact details at this stage.

2) Of course! The site is being built with the W&A Community in mind so we’ll be providing plenty of advance notice as soon as we have exact dates.

3) There’s a lot of work being done on the functionality available to all using the site. This includes improved ‘edit’ options and notification preferences. Chat options (incl. Group creation) should be included, and you’ll be rewarded with content specific to the genre/publishing interest tags you apply to your own account. Reward Points will also be much-improved, meaning more useful discounts on books, events and services. Logging in should also bring about a website that's more bespoke to each individual writer, with the option to make notes on posts (key quotations, perhaps literary agents to keep an eye on for when you’re ready to submit your work, etc.) a new feature we've pushed for.

Hope this is all useful information and, as stated above, we will be in touch with confirmed updates and timings when we have them later this year.

W&A Admin

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