
by Stevie Broadwood
4th October 2016

I've been checking out the Agents' lists mainly London. I'm just wondering if anyone can recommend an Agent, from experience?

I'm after one who doesn't require an experienced writer because I have my first and only book nearly completed. It's Narrative non-fiction. Thank you.


Thank you Adrian, I'll stick to the ones after my work then. Strange but true, I don't actually concentrate long enough to read books, but I de-stress by writing..lots. I will however, stick to those Agents looking for narrative non-fiction then, thanks again :)

Profile picture for user stevieib_37047
270 points
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Stevie Broadwood

Oops. accidently posted prematurely.

This is my intended reply.

Steve, when trying to hook an agent, make sure you select only those that deal in your type of novel.

On an agents website you will find what sort of novels they are presently looking for.

When you find a suitable agent, make sure you adhere strictly to their submissions procedure -otherwise you will be rejected.

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

Profile picture for user Adrian
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Adrian Sroka

Steve, when trying to hook an agent, make sure you select only those that deal in your type of novel.

On any agents website you will find what sort of novels they are presently looking for.

When you find a suitable agent, make sure you adhere strictly to their submissions procedure -otherwise you will be rejected.

i hope that helps.

good luck.

Agents represent many authors. You can compare your work against those on the list of authors. the books list of authors and their work it's important that you research an agent's website and obey their submissions procedure, otherwise they will not look at your work.

Also, make youself familiar with agents the agent you submit to deals with similar work

Equally important

Profile picture for user Adrian
19900 points
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Adrian Sroka