Second Language

by Nathalie Blackney
24th February 2016

Do you write in a second language?

What difficulties are you encountering?

Do you know of any helpful resources on the subject?

What is the publishers' attitude towards a non-native writer?


Thank you for your answer! I've been soaking in the language for some years through lots of different methods, as you suggest, but there's still one thing I find very tricky: regional patterns of speech.

I would love my characters to have an identifiable region of origin within the UK and the English-speaking world in general, just by their lines of dialogue.

I've been trying to compile a list of local vocabulary, expressions or speech patterns according to geographical areas. But quite frankly, it's very time-consuming.

I can't help thinking somebody must have done that already. Do you know of a book or online resource which would provide helpful information on the subject in a clear and concise manner? All I can find are much too specialised linguistic studies.

Thank you.

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Hi Nathalie! Yes, I write in English, which is my second language. I don't think publishers or agents care whether or not the language you've written in is your native language, as long as it's quality writing. I believe the best way is to read as much as you can in the language you want to write in. You may know grammar and such but studying books, films, poetry and theatre in that language might work wonders in ways that a textbook just can't. Then of course, there are other options: try to get your novel published in your home country - it might get translated into other languages once you get your book deal.

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