Self Publishing Services

by Jeremy Gavins
14th March 2017

I seem to come up against two conflicting responses about self publishing.

On the one hand I hear avoid vanity sites and I should never pay someone up front for work on my book. But on this website there is loads of info about S/P sites, which cost money, which I have to pay for before my book is worked on.

What is the difference?

I have been sent quotes for the cost of working with 2 of the SPS advertised on here. Both amounted to well over £1000. Is it worth using an SPS?


What a wonderful sentence that is, Jeremy. It strikes me that a lot of people I've heard of who do drystone walling have an inner calm. An ancient skill, and satisfying in that your progress is there for you to see at the end of the day. I think many of us miss that physical confirmation that we've progressed in what we do - atavistic, perhaps.

We don't have them in fields in Brittany, but we do have houses built from dry stone walls, with lime pointing added later. A collapsing 200 year-old school house in my village has been partially demolished and rebuilt to two-thirds its size, and it was fascinating to watch just one man reconstruct the front. Like cob, it's building from the ground upon which you stand, which matters, somehow.


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Hi Lorraine

I don't build dry stone walls to live, I live to build dry stone walls.

I can honestly say that when I discovered that I could build dry stone walls it saved my life.

The title of my book has stonewalling in its title, but the book is as much about the psychological stone walls I constructed to protect my inner self from the outside world as it is about the physical.

I have been building psychological stonewalls since I was eleven.

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Jeremy Gavins

- to do some dry stone walling, not to go... too early to be typing!

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