setting it out

by Welsh Dragon
17th March 2014


I reckon I'll finish the 3rd draft of my novel this week (yay!) and need to organise it ready for submission. I haven't numbered pages or done footers and headers etc. I'm not brilliant on all the functions of Word and wondered if anyone could please help me?

It's currently saved in separate chapters. Can I number each page all at once even though each chapter is a different document? Or do I have to put it all together to do this? The least onerous method is obviously what I'm looking for here...



Hi Damien,

It is nice to be in touch with someone else who wants to write for children. I actually read your Toy Soldier piece earlier today but not properly so was going to have a good look so I could do it justice. First impressions? Good ones :).

All my writing friends here are writing for an adult audience which is good in a lot of ways but in some others not so good as they don't always understand my audience (they admit that). That said, I have a couple of very close non-writing friends who read a lot (including children's and YA) and work with children and they are going to help me before submission.

I teach juniors and have done for almost 15 years so I know my demographic pretty well. I actually gave up a full time job to go on supply partly to concentrate on writing but I do have a regular school. I've toyed with the idea of testing some of my writing on the Y6 children there. I wouldn't tell them I'd written it as then they'd just say they love it! They all think I'm fab - obviously ha ha ha! ;D

Profile picture for user lesleypa_33730
270 points
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Welsh Dragon

Hi Lesley,

I myself am not a very confident writer at all. I write for children fiction and funny books mainly. I don't see many children's writers on here so it would be nice to read others. I totally understand if you don't want to post anything on yet. Generally it's a good site and I've never been worried about plagiarism. Have you read any of my posts if so what did you think to that.


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Thanks Damien.

I'm not confident enough to share yet. I've hardly shown anyone in real life let alone on here. I'm very new to this site.

You write YA, don't you? I've been nosing around :).

Profile picture for user lesleypa_33730
270 points
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Welsh Dragon