Sharing your work - how much can I share?

by Ravi Krish
25th August 2015

My book is 500+ paperback pages long (180,000 words). Sharing just a chapter doesn't give much of a bite on the book for any commentator / editor. What should I do? I feel that I should share at least 10-15 % of the book for a meaningful feedback and comment on the book.. That would make it almost 50-75 paperback pages.

What would be the right extent to share?

Ravi Krish


An Other Tale of Two Cities


Hi, Ravi!

I'd suggest that you read Georgiana's "shared work" on this site. It grabbed me so well in the first few paragraphs, that - even though this genre isn't my favourite - I wanted to read the whole book. This is what you should be aiming for. Even if W&A and literary agents will allow you 3000 words to convince them, many browsers in bookstores won't. They read a few lines and if they're not hooked by those, they browse another book.

As to your writing: "I can consider the book to be two logical parts. I could surgically make it into 2 live stories; equally interesting. But I would like to wait till I get professional review by Publishers or their editors.", I would reply: If agents prefer to see a shorter work, if - as Georgiana writes - some immediately reject reading anything over 90,000 words, surely it would be a better tactic to cut the book in 2 parts NOW and negotiate with agents/publishers to bring it out as a whole piece ONCE THEY SAY THAT THEY LIKE THE FIRST HALF?

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Hi Georgiana,

Thank you for your guidance. I also found the book to be too long. But the plot was kept growing in my mind and hence there was noway I could stop. I believe that I had presented only what was most relevant for the plot. However, I will review again keeping the length guidelines in mind. I can trim a chapter or two out of 72, without affecting the plot and the flow, but the effort still wouldn't translate to much savings.

I can consider the book to be two logical parts. I could surgically make it into 2 live stories; equally interesting. But I would like to wait till I get professional review by Publishers or their editors. In any case, it could be a good idea.

Thank you,

Ravi Krish

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Wilhelmina, Lorraine and Georgiana,

Thanks for your good advice. I had read through the MS, trimmed a bit.

I have presented my 3000 word first chapters.. True, the writing style, language and class would be evident in the first 3000 words.. but the plot evolves lazily over 6000+ words. I have repeatedly tried to trim it, but am finding the first 6000 words are necessary foundation for the main story line (plot) and the main character evolves beautifully with the drama and any touching it would truncate the evolution and leave out ridges.

I do have a version that hastens the evolution and it resembled a walk over ridges.

Please note that I had chosen the genre as 'literary', because it's a beautiful evolution down there. I hope that the norms for the literary genre are liberal and can be excepted!!



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