Short-Hand is it worth learning?

by Debbie Siddle
1st April 2016

As stories race through my mind and I can't get them typed up fast enough without losing the story, I was wondering, do you think it's worth my while to learn short-hand or some other method? Does anyone know how long it can take on average? Thank you.


Thank you very much indeed.

I did try years and years ago but the machine refused to recognise my voice as human! Hopefully the more modern ones are better. I had forgotten all about this as an option. No, I'm not rich, but I am a touch typist, self-taught, and not bad for short periods of time, although I have a little arthritis in two fingers.

My lovely partner is a computer whizz, so hopefully he can manage to do this for me. I've always been told I have a clear voice, so that should be ok.

Profile picture for user debbiesi_13187
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Debbie Siddle

Have you considered an alternative to shorthand? - like carrying one of those little digital voice recorders - reliable brands, (Sony etc) relatively inexpensive, very small & light, good quality sound, battery lasts long time, and you can download the file straight to your computer so easily - you can then type up at your leisure (or get someone else to do that if you are rich!)

I also heard someone experimenting with getting the recordings to download into text directly (some phone apps can do this) but not sure how successful they have been with that. Only one word of warning though - speak clearly! (JKR would never have been so rich and famous if she'd written 'Harry's Daughter')

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