Should I do this

by A.L Star
7th September 2012

I have been looking up agents I will be sending my MS too and found too who work for the same agency. should I just send one MS to the agency or send one to each agent?


It depends.

Some agencies operate a "refusal from one = refusal from all" policy. Some don't. If you are sending to a general submissions address rather than directly to the agent, they probably do. If you are unsure, enquire to the general enquiries address on the website.

Just ensure you never submit to two agents at the same agency at the same time. That's *not* ok.

On a side note (and mentioned because I'd hate to see you send out an MS with grammatical errors), your question uses the wrong "to" in both instances. It should read "... sending my MS to and found two who work ...".

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Thank you John I will recheck my information on their website before printing off my cover letter.

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Do not send more than one to any one agency. If you have names of an agent, choose one. Try and find out what they prefer to read and deal with and send it to the one closest to your own work. If it is rejected, it is rejected by the agency, they will not look at a second submission. If you are sending it to multiple agents, let them know in your cover letter, most agencies prefer an exclusive submission but at the least would like to be told if they have competition. Good luck.

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