Should I start a website?

by Kim Hampton
11th March 2017

I'm writing my first novel and have no experience, so is it worth starting a website and blog?


Quote: "But what would one even put on the website?"

I don't know, maybe you should just open one, and start putting simple things like "What I had for my breakfast today"

You are a writer, just justify your existence by telling the online world what a fantastically brilliant writer you are.

I think I will get my website going again starting with lots of photos in an album called "Views from my worksite today"

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But what would one even put on the website?

You shouldn't be frightened, it's all fun and it connects you with other people, including other writers.

I know, it takes up a lot of time to update all those sites but in the end it's all worth it.

Thanks for replying.

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Apparently yes. All the advice I seem to get is that "I must have a platform" which is the means of getting myself known by everyone online.

I am told I should be on Twitter and Facebook too. The very thought of this is frightening, but if I do want my book to be read I must do it.

I find it difficult though. I have a website, but find that I do not have the time to update it. I do not need it to advertise for work as I have enough work to keep me going until I retire.

Maybe I will have time then, but I have so much planned for my retirement I doubt it.

How do people find the time to do all this Twit/Face/Blog/Website stuff anyway?

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