Snow White and Her Seven Friends

by Adrian Sroka
9th September 2015

Political correctness?

A work colleague informed of a newspaper story, where someone in the theatre suggested that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, should be changed to Snow White and her Seven Friends, so as not to offend dwarfs. You can imagine my consternation at this shocking revelation.

I would like to have gathered some empirical evidence, but I couldn’t find a single dwarf to interview in North London. Either, I wasn’t looking in the right place, or perhaps there’s a dwarf-shortage in North London. I might have better luck at Christmas. Rumour has it that they tend to appear during the pantomime season.

But in the interests of political correctness, why stop at Snow White and her Seven Friends. Surely, the name Snow White, will be offensive to many non-white people. I believe I have a solution. Keep the Snow, but lose the White, which I think is a fair compromise. I, also believe I have solved the Dwarf crisis as well.

I suggest that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, be changed to, Snow Green (apologies to any Martians visiting the planet) and the Seven People of Restricted Growth.

Are there any fairytale titles that you find offensive? What ones would you like to change?


Hi Wilhelmina. My comments were not meant to demean or denegrade anyone who lives with dwarfism. Maybe I should have wrote, many have become famous in spite of their (what must be in a world designed for people who reach "normal" height between about 5' to 6' odd) disability, but that probably wouldn't have been true. I find the Abuse you refer to reprehensible, unfortunately in this world there will always be reprehensible people who live without regard for other people and pray on anyone they see as weak to use for their gain or pleasure. We will never be free of these truly wicked people. I obviously got the theme of the thread wrong, my comments were aimed simply at the what I see as P C overreaction by wanting to change the name of the story of Snow white and the seven dwarfs, to Snow white and her seven friends, as one step too far. My comments about people living with restricted growth haven't complained about the name and that they can fight that battle themselves, should they feel the need, was nothing more than that. I stand by that comment and belief. However if I have got this out of context I apologise and didn't want to take anything away from your point of the abuse.

Regards Paul G

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@ Paul Garside: Not all dwarves are writers. I would guess that Tamara De Treaux shared with her friend Armistead Maupin her terrible frustration at being shoved into a drawer: she was allowed to be an actress ONLY when her size was essential to the part. Why shouldn't a dwarf be hired to play the romantic lead in - oh, for example - "Romeo And Juliet" IF (s)he's a good actor?

Maupin turned her complaint into a novel. Just what's wrong with that? And yet my comment about this book has earned me two "thumbs down".

BTW, MANY dwarves (and midgets) "have become famous" because of their size NOT their talent. I'd hate it if people bought my books because I [weigh 400kg / am 60cm tall / am a double amputee and type with my toes / have bright green skin / am a famous football player's wife].

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I think only when the the "dwarfs" complain that the world is sizest, then and only then should that kind of thing be even discussed. For years people who live with the problems of restricted growth have been employed because of their size and many have become famous. The rest of the world's population lives with all sorts of debilitating diseases that bend them out of shape or stop them (as Emilie says) from speaking and many more unseen problems. (I speak from personal experience) The majority of the civilized population accept and don't patronize or make fun of anyone who fall foul to these restricting conditions. It seems that people are falling over themselves to protect people who have not asked to be "protected" and in these days of online globalization anyone can become heard. I think had a person living with dwarfism called for this it would have been splashed all over the news. Sometimes things should be left to the people who can speak for themselves instead of do gooders patronizing yet another group of people who can stand up for themselves.

Paul G

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