Social Media in Books

by Hamilton Brown
27th February 2018

Hey I'm just wondering if it's good to use social media in books. My book is marketed at teens so I feel like it's a good idea but I don't know to what moderation. Should I keep it vague like "he messaged him on Snapchat?" Or should I be specific about the app? Sometimes I feel that I should because this is for teenagers so they'll understand it, but other times I feel like I should not because not everyone uses social media. I'd love to know your opinions!



Teens come and go. There was the time when teens had to have a Yo-Yo, then it moved on to Hoola Hoops, then eight-track tape players, then Citizen’s Band Radio, then skate-boards. It doesn’t seem so long ago every teenager’s car (worthy of being called a car) had a tiger tail hanging from the filler cap.

There is always something new for teenagers to gobble up.

The trick in writing is to sound as though you are ‘up-to-date’, but to make what you write timeless. It is difficult, but try your best. Think about how it will sound in five years time (watch a ten year old film and wonder where the mobile telephones are).

I have just finished reading ‘The Little Nugget’ by P G Wodehouse (first published in 1913), and it is perfectly up to date – except for two things. In one chapter a cart rattles past (I can accept that, even in today’s world). In another chapter, the headlight is removed from a car and taken into a stable – try doing that today! Yet in the period when the book was written, many cars had acetylene gas lamps that could easily be detached.

Even in 1913, a little research on the part of Wodehouse would have caused him to do a re-write.

EDUCATIONAL NOTE (for those who do not know), the name Wodehouse is pronounced Woodhouse (A quirk of spoken English, North Americans always have trouble with this).

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I'd say think about your context. If its relevant to the story, then yes its important. If its apart of these characters lives, then yes, it needs to be in there when necessary.

But try not to just throw it in there for the sake of 'being modern'


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I agree with Andrew. The teenage person today is so social media savvy no explanation is needed when it comes to how things are uploaded, downloaded, etc. Keep it simple it will keep the story flowing.

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