some one with desilexie & fantastic true history

by roya fard
2nd June 2018


i am not writer or any talent in this matter i am dyslexia even writing this question is very hard but i have TRUE history i wish to publish it & need some Persian/ English TO help me i don't want do plagiary using talent of some writer in my name i will talk abut my disability too

its BIZARRE/ SHOCKING / FUNNY & DRUM that happened

i cant take openly here if some one know some one who interested to help me write this history pls her me know i need gust writer SHE /HE can sign her name in this project too OMG you writers should make fun of me when you see this messengers i am shame already :)


Dear Roya,

PLEASE don't feel ashamed of your dyslexia!

And any writer on this site who makes fun of you has NO right to be here!

We have other members with reading/writing problems.

I was communicating with a dyslexic writer who wanted to write a special book for dyslexic children.

He shared a few chapters of his autobiography here... and it was FASCINATING!

Try to turn your problems into assets. Some of the best books are like that.

Best of luck!


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Hollis i Dickson
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Jimmy Hollis i Dickson

Hi Roya

Last year we had to translate a thesis from farsi and have our English preface edited. It was not easy to find the right people. You needed knowledge of subject and of the languages. After a few unhappy experiences with some editorial services, a friend recommended The Oxford Editors and Cherry Mosteshar who handled the project without any problems. They even gave us additional advice on improving our English texts. So, I would suggest you try them first. It may save you a lot of time and headaches. Their website is I think.

Khoda Hafez and good luck

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