Spinning Plates!

by Joanne Wright
11th April 2016

Hello all, I am a long timer lurker of this site and now after a bit of advise.

I have a few ideas in my head of what stories I want to do, some are screenplays, some are novels, however I am finding it hard to sit my self down and write. Then when I do write, I find it hard to pin my self down and concentrate on one story. Do any of you have a structure to your writing? Or a routine in which you do write? With working etc. I am finding it hard to sit my self down and when I do I feel like I am spinning some many ideas in my head that my fingers aren't able to keep up with my mind. I may be asking in the wrong place, but I generally want to sit my self down and create something other than half written notes. Any advise greatly received.


What is your most pressing/brilliant idea - tackle first. And stick to it.

I find frequency important, i.e. time/space to write (it doesn't have to be a regular routine).

I don't think waiting untill you're in the right mind helpful. You can end up putting things off for a lifetime. I often write rubbish for an hour or two, or longer, and have to combat the block and despair, then suddenly the miracle happens... and away we go.

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Hassle and stress are not conducive to writing or thinking about writing. Be calm and quiet and think up the story in your head way before you write/type anything.

I often start by drawing a map of where the story takes place. I like maps, Perhaps this is just me. It isn't writing, but it's thinking while doodling and introducing myself to my story's world.

It might help if sort your various notes into separate files, pick your favourite and start on that. You can't write them all at once. Being able to type fast really helps too.

Profile picture for user bubthomp_35062
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You will find going for walks does help, but dont push it because you have to be in the right frame of mind to write to get something good down, good luck in what you do and keep at it.

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