To start or not to start.

by Anthony Scott Glenn
4th March 2012

Hi All,

I'm a little torn at what to do next. I have a whole host of ideas bubbling away in my head for the second book in my series.

I have recently finished the first draft, and am eager to write more, but am unsure whether to wait until after I have my first book up to a standard where I am happy to query agents with it, or to start writing the second even if it is even just roughly outlined.

What do you guys think? Is it better for me to pause on writing the second and get the first as good as it can be? or do both?


Work on whatever you feel most excited about. A few weeks ago I put my novel down to pen the start of another novel that I was so excited about I just had to start it. Now I'm back working on novel number 1 and I'm no worse off for it. Do whatever you think will be the most productive.

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Thanks both! Some really good advice.

I'll continue on then with making notes for the second book in the series and hold off a little while with the first.

Thanks again!

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Anthony Scott
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I agree with above :p

Sometimes when I read my own work back too many times I start to get a little bored with it :) but when I take a break and come back to it, I see it with fresh eyes and enjoy it again.

Also it is a bad idea to ignore those bubbling ideas or they may fade. As soon as inspritation hits me, I start working on it. You can always go back to Previous works :) But then, I am working on a trilogy and a seperate novel all at the same time :) Too many ideas and not enough hours in a day to work on them :)

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