by Anne Livesey
17th October 2015

Hi there - I have just trawled through the 2016 W & A Yearbook and found Steam Punk mentioned once - pg 201. I would like to know details of UK Literary Agents who represent new/first time authors in Steam Punk ... I have looked through pp 411-437 and found Sci Fi/Fantasy - but as steam punk is specialised - does anyone know literary agents who lurve Steam Punk....? Please, I am searching on behalf of undergrad son, who has been writing his novel (35,000 words and still growing) since the age of 14 - he is now 20 years old, and I think he could do with expert nurturing and pointing in right direction with an agent.

Thanks dear community x


Hi Anne,

As Lorraine had already said, agents tend only to be interested in completed manuscripts. However, once has finished there is a twitter pitch party on the fourth Friday of every month. It's call #pitchcb. I watch quite intently. From recollection one of the agents always likes anything steam punk. I can't quite remember which one it is, because I don't write steam punk. Might be worth having a look at these twitter pitch parties. They do give you a good idea of what agents like.

In terms of nurturing, has your son considered a creative writing course? There are often free course through a site called future learn (I think it's called that). Curtis Brown (literary agents) also run classes. These can be quite pricey. Once he has finished his manuscript he can also consider sending his work to a literary consultancy. They offer, for a price, professional feedback. Some consultancies also offer mentoring schemes, but once again this isn't free.

Have you heard of nano? November is novel writing month, and if he signs up he will have and instant writing community with access to forums. I think they also hold regional events so he can meet other writers.

I hope this helps.

Best of luck,


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Hello Anne,

I think that what you're looking for isn't an agent as the book isn't finished yet. Your son could be better off with an advisory service. People like this advertise in Writing Magazine and Writer's Forum, so worth picking up a copy of each. Choose a couple and send off a query - can't hurt.


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